Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thing # 3 and # 4

For tasks 3 and 4, I needed to make a blog (which I have obviously) and write a post. This is my third one, so I'd say these tasks are done. I have another blog that most people don't know about because I consider it more private. I started it when I was studying in Hungary in the fall of 2004 when I ran out of pages in my old fashioned journal that I had to actually write in (gasp!) I'm glad I started it because it is much easier for me to type and my hand doesn't cramp up so I get to write more. Plus, I had quite a few exciting things going on while I studied there so I wrote in it quite often. Anyone who knows me knows I like to talk and usually ramble on and on so blogs are great for that. I just have so many thoughts in my head!

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