Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thing #7

Ok, now I have to write about some kind of technology that interests me. This is something pretty basic but I still need to learn more about it-I made a slide show kind of thing for my parents last year and added music and quotes and stuff to it. A friend of mine makes a lot of those and they are just really nice. The music adds a lot to it and since I'm a sappy person, something like this is perfect for me to give people or just for myself. I love pictures and showing my friends and family I appreciate them. I know there are more fancy things I can do with a movie/picture maker like that so I need to explore that as well. I really have a long way to go until I feel really comfortable with so much technology-once again, hopefully library school helps with that and my good librarian friend/hero Erica up in SBN! There are a lot of other technologies I'm interested in learning more about so this Learn and Play is a great thing for me! Just to know a little about these cool things is good, then I can explore them some more.

1 comment:

Erica said...

I love that you mention me in all of your posts. I am always glad to help you with anything!